Key Convictions

Who We Are

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Our Prayer

"Our prayer is to see the power of God unleashed in our lives, our church, our community and our world so that every tongue, tribe, and nation may come to know and proclaim the saving work of Jesus Christ."

We are disciples who make disciples.We want to know  Him and make Him known.

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Key Convictions


The central characteristic of UBC is an unwavering commitment to the Gospel. The Gospel is consistently proclaimed in the weekly services and in the lives of the members. It is a clear expectation that everyone associated with UBC has an opportunity to hear the Gospel and be encouraged to share the Gospel. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-11


We consult the Scriptures and submit to them in all things that we do. We pursue doctrinal integrity to the best of our ability by seeing the Word of God as authoritative and living and active. 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17


UBC strives to be a praying church in all aspects of service. We seek to acknowledge that God leads us in all things. Consequently, prayer is essential to who we are and is a core part of our identity. EPHESIANS 6:18-20

Discipleship Focused:

Ministry efforts at UBC are anchored in the core principles of discipleship. As seen in the Great Commission, we are committed to go make disciples. We seek to take Gospel to the lost and not wait for the lost to come find us. We pray earnestly for a movement of God that leads to salvation and baptisms among the lost. We also commit to teaching our church family to obey all that He has commanded. In short, this means we are a church that makes disciples who make disciples. UBC is a missional church. We seek to be witnesses of the Gospel in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. Over time our goal would be for UBC to be a launching pad for missional endeavors in our immediate community and around the world. MATTHEW 28:18-20; PSALM 67; ACTS 2:41, 47

Emphasis on Fasting:

Complements and accentuates prayer. Fasting is a physical and holistic response to help facilitate our prayers. Fasting and prayer spotlights God’s freedom that sets prisoners free, provides justice and community. ISAIAH 58

Spiritual Worship:

The key theological message of worship is one that adheres to the truths found in Romans 12. Specifically, worship is much more than a weekly expression of a genre of music but a way of life. It is found in a renewed mind and offering ourselves as living sacrifices. UBC seeks to stress this truth in every capacity. ROMANS 12:1-2

Holistic Giving:

We seek to be a church that gives sacrificially, generously and cheerfully. Rather than emphasizing a financial formula we cultivate an atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to surrender not only their finances to God but all other areas of life as well. As Paul encourages the church in Corinth, we seek to excel in faith, speech, knowledge, earnestness in love as well as the grace of giving.

Families Valued:

Families are a priority for UBC. We are a church for every stage of life and a church that emphasizes the importance of family.

A Loving Community:

UBC is a place for all people. We seek to love everyone who comes through those doors no matter their gender, race, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status or any other delineation by which an individual can be defined. UBC will be a place where all people can come and be well loved. 1 JOHN 4:7-12


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