Compassion Teams

One of the key convictions of UBC is to foster a loving community for everyone who calls this church home. We want everyone that is a part of our church to experience the love and compassion of this church family, especially during a time of need or in special circumstances.
Another one of our key convictions is to be a prayer driven church. One of our favorite quotes captures the spirit of our commitment to prayer. We believe, “prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work” (Oswald Chambers).
We also want to be a place for healing. As we foster a recovery ministry at UBC we need a team of people who have the desire to help others who need healing in their life. The teams below are a great way to help provide spiritual support to key areas in the church.
The teams below are designed to make that love felt in a tangible way. Select any or all of the teams below that might interest you.
- Grief Care – join the team in charge of preparing a meal to be provided during a memorial service at UBC.
- Homebound Visitations – a team that ensures our homebound members receive personal visitations.
- Prayer – coordinating weekly prayer meetings, prayer walks, and developing our prayer ministry
- Recovery - walking with others through recovery from some of life's greatest addictions, hang-ups and challenges