Covid-19 Community Response

Supporting Morningside Apartments & Seminary Hills Park Elementary
In light of the school closures in Fort Worth ISD, many families need additional assistance to ensure their children receive the meals they typically expect from their local school. University Baptist Church Fort Worth will be working with our existing partnerships at Morningside Apartments and Seminary Hills Park Elementary to meet these needs. In addition to these areas, we know some of our own church members would benefit from the provision of additional groceries. Consequently, we are asking our church family to consider helping us secure groceries that can be delivered to these areas. You can help in the following ways:
Food Collection/Donations: We are currently working with Tarrant Area Food Bank and Department of Family Services to explore options to provide bulk orders to these areas. We’ll update those details should they come through. In the interim, here are some additional options:
- Please purchase one or all of the items on the grocery list below and leave at UBC’s main campus. Remember to consider online purchases and deliveries to limit going out into public.
- Once purchased, you may leave them on the porch of the preschool entrance on the east side of the building only at the time mentioned below.
- Drop Offs to occur on Monday morning between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM
- Or just give directly to UBC’s general budget and we will use those gifts for our local ministry efforts. You can give online at
Food Sorting: No more than 4 volunteers will be needed to help package the food in UBC’s Harris Hall on the following dates and times. Each volunteer needs to be fully healthy and must adhere to the CDC guidelines for physical distancing during their time of service. Food sorting will occur at the following location & time:
- UBC Harris Hall: Monday Morning from 9:00-11:00 AM (beginning March 23rd)
Food Distribution: The details for food distribution at Morningside and Seminary Hills Park Elementary is still to be determined. In the interim, deliveries may need to be made for UBC families that are in higher need. We will cap the number of volunteers at 4 in order to keep crowd control within the recommended guidelines. If you’d like to help deliver food, we will aim to make deliveries during the following time:
- Tuesday Morning from 9:00-11:00 AM (Beginning March 31st)
To sign up for any of these areas please use this form:
Thanks in advance for your willingness to help serve the community. If you can’t assist in one of the areas listed above, please do not forget the importance of prayer. Please continue to pray for those in need and the volunteers during this time.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Jerimiah Smith, Pastor
Estimated cost of the following items is $50 and aims to provide basic food for a family of four for up to a week.
- Box of cereal
- Loaf of bread
- Apples
- 4 cans of vegetables
- 4 cans of fruit
- Canned Chicken/Tuna
- 4 cans of soup/stew
- 2 boxes of mac n’ cheese
- 2 cans of beans
- 1 box of granola/cereal bars
- 1 box of crackers
- 1 small bag of rice
- 4 cans of evaporated milk