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Don’t Forget to Look Back

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My family and I have been doing a lot of looking ahead. While planning the move to Texas we looked ahead for everything from a place to live to what grocery stores were in the area. Now here and settled in Fort Worth we look ahead to events, due dates, or holidays. We plan our weeks out ahead for food purchases, always trying to stay “ahead” of all the many things in life  that always seem to be running faster than we are.

Now I’m not here to say that planning and looking ahead is bad, I truly do love a good calendaring session. However, my encouragement to you today is to always remember to look back. We can get so caught up looking at where we should be, where we aren’t, and where others are in comparison that we lose sight of where we’ve been and where we’ve come from.

Look back to your quiet start in the morning when your day seems to have gone off the rails.

Look back to moments of joy and hope when you find yourself in despair.

Look back to the fruits of your life when you question your identity in Christ. 

Look back at your own pain and struggles when you need empathy for others.

Look back a month, a year, or even a decade to see the hand of God in your life when you doubt your next big decision.

Look back in times of conflict to remember the good about people.

Look back and recognize what God has taught you when you seem to be lost or confused. 

Look back at God's provision and blessings when you stress about making ends meet.

Look back to where you have fallen short and need to seek forgiveness and repentance.

Look back and see the people God has brought in your life when you feel alone.

Look back to marvel at the great works of God throughout history and all of scripture when you doubt who He is and what He has done.

Look back to the cross when you need to remember Jesus has the victory!

By looking back, it helps us move forward with grateful hearts and open hands. It plants our feet on the solid rock of God's work in our life and helps us have a healthy perspective for whatever we find ourselves walking through.

“I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders. I will reflect on all you have done and meditate on your actions.”
Psalms ‭77‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ 

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 
Romans 5:8

As we enter a week designed for thanks, I pray we all take time to look back and thank God for all He has done in our lives. See what God has done, celebrate it, journal it, talk about it, share it, and thank God for every season he has brought you through. I pray that in doing so you find yourself standing firmer in God's promises ready to walk the road ahead. 

Happy Thanksgiving, UBC. I am thankful for the road God led me on to you!

