My Prayer

Twenty-five years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I knew one thing.... I had no idea how to parent. God did, however, provide amazing moms and dads who were incredible parents. The one thing they all had in common was that they prayed scripture over the lives of their children.
As I spent more time with these parents, I learned that they prayed scripture over their jobs, homes, relationships, highs and lows. While I spent time praying for success and status, they were humbly on their knees praying for God’s will by praying His words and inserting the names of people, situations, hopes and dreams into these very verses.
I began to learn to pray God’s word back to Him, and my perspectives began to change. God’s word became personalized to my life and my situation. The Holy Spirit began to transform my mind so that I would know His words could be true in my life and my life could be different.
Over time, God has led me to more and more resources that help me pray His word. While my children were in school, Moms In Prayer has been an amazing resource to guide me lifting my children, school faculty and school families to the Lord through scripture. The Daily Refresh on The Bible App guides me every morning to putting my family, community and tasks into the living and breathing scripture.
The Holy Spirit is a great teacher as we grow in prayer. We can use God’s word and pray it back to Him, expanding when we need to and letting it speak for our soul when we are at a loss for words.
This morning, God led me to Psalm 40:17, “But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.”
My prayer, “God you know that I am a poor leader, that I don’t know the right things to do or say. I need your guidance. I need your instruction. And I need your people around me.
Thank you that you think of me. Thank you that in the middle of the night, you are ready to both talk to me and to listen to me. Thank you that you choose to delight in me.
Father, please be my help throughout the day. If I hit a challenge, help me rely on you and not on me. Thank you that you will help me. That you will deliver me in and through any circumstance that comes my way. And if its really big, Lord, help my eyes be so fixed on you, that I will know you are bigger and better.
And Father, you know I am weak. Today, I choose you to be my God. I know I am not a good boss of my life. You are the only one I can trust. When I get tempted, I may too quickly stray to trying to do it on my own and make things right in my own strength. So please don’t delay. I want to grow in endurance, but I need you.
Thank you! In the name of Jesus, Amen.”
Thank you for letting me share my prayer. And thank you for courageously being engaged on Sunday mornings so that we can learn together as a family of faith how to approach our heavenly Father who loves us.