Vacation Bible School

University Baptist Church invites all children to attend, VBS 2025: Magnified!

VBS 2025 Promo Video by UBC

Register Here

MAGNIFIED VBS 2025 is for all children entering Kindergarten-Finished 5th and our current ELC Preschool students.

Grab your backpack and keep your magnifying glass handy as we zoom in on God's amazing design. We will zoom in on the tiniest forms of creation and discover that God cares about the smallest and biggest details of creation, and us! We will proclaim His greatness at Magnified Worship Rally and learn more about Jesus in Tree-mendous Bible Story, Wildflower Crafts, Monarch Missions, SongBird Music, HoneyComb Snacks and RainDrop Rec. Each day will end with our Magnified Closing Rally. Family members are encouraged to join us for this special time and also visit our parent VBS Lounge located outside the Sanctuary. Closing Rallies are from 11:45-12:15. Friday also includes a Family Experience of Interactive Worship led by our kids from 11:30-12:30 followed by lunch and inflatables until 1:30pm

VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God's amazing world, and magnify, or proclaim the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us and is faithful to keep ALL of His promises. We can praise God together because we were made to MAGNIFY Him! 

Optional VBS Kids Color Crew T-shirts can be purchased for an additional cost of $10 each. View Color Crew Shirts HERE.

*While VBS is FREE, for those able, a $10 donation is suggested per child.

Magnified VBS 2025

June 9-13, 8:45am-12:15pm

$10 suggested donation per child

VBS FamilyExperience

June 13, 11:30am-1:30pm

Lunch provided

Each day at Start the Party has a special theme!


  • Monday: Bring a Friend and Wear a Smile :)
  • Tuesday:  Animal Day! Dress up like your favorite animal- land or sky!
  • Wednesday: Earth Day! Dress up in things to magnify God’s creation. Plants, flowers, rock the color green or wear earth friendly recycled items or even 2nd hand clothing!
  • Thursday: Bugged Out! Dress up like your favorite bug.
  • Friday: Crew Color Day! Show your Color Crew Color spirit! Crews are based on what children have finished as of Spring 2025. (Babies-PreK- Grey, K – Yellow , 1st– Red, 2nd – Green, 3rd – Orange, 4th – Blue, 5th – Purple)





Each day we will focus on a Bible Point and Bible Story. We have a memory verse for the week and a bonus verse to learn each day.

Memory Verse: Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:3

  • Day One Jesus is a good reason to have a party. Matthew’s Party Luke 5:27-32 
  • Day Two Everyone is invited to the party. Jesus’ Parable of the Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14 
  • Day Three Celebrate the Good News. Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Son Luke 15:11-32
  • Day Four Jesus is the life of the party. Woman at the Well John 4:1-26, 39-42 
  • Day Five You can be a party starter. Light of the World Matthew 5:14-16

For more information, email


We need many volunteers to help make this possible! How can you be a part? (Babies-3yr old VBS is provided for workers' children)

Sign up below to receive more information on specific roles needed. Thank you in advance for your help and for loving the kids at UBC!

Important Volunteer Save-the-Dates:

  • May 4 The BIG VBS Leader training
  • June 2-6 VBS Workdays and Decorating Days
  • June 8- VBS Leader Commissioning in the Worship service

Want to help with VBS? Fill out the form below to be a part!

vbs Volunteer interest form


 VBS will teach children that…