Our Stories Unleashed

in Prayer

Ready, Set, Move!

VBS 2023 is "Ready, Set, Move!" and it's right around the corner. For many reasons, VBS has become my absolute favorite week of the summer. I love the fun of it, I love working with all the amazing volunteers each day, and I love the long-lasting impact it can make not only on the children's faith but on my own faith too! This year, we are getting "ready & set to move" with over 50+ volunteers. We are gathering supplies and planning all the many details that will bring to life a huge...

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Posted by Martha Harvey

Honest Conversation

My youth group took a summer mission trip to help a church with Vacation Bible School and outreach to local migrant workers. As teenagers, we learned a lot that week about leadership, service, dignity, and God’s love for all His people. We also learned a bit about ourselves. My friend Alison went with our youth group that week. Alison and I had been close friends for years and our families attended church together. We loved spending time together. We started having problems that week...

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Posted by Kathy Raines

My Prayer

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Twenty-five years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I knew one thing.... I had no idea how to parent. God did, however, provide amazing moms and dads who were incredible parents. The one thing they all had in common was that they prayed scripture over the lives of their children.  As I spent more time with these parents, I learned that they prayed scripture over their jobs, homes, relationships, highs and lows. While I spent time praying for...

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Posted by Caroline Poe

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