Our Stories Unleashed

Results filtered by “Jason Simon”

What Tone Does God Take Toward You?

What tone do you think God takes towards you?   When you read stories of Jesus throughout Scripture, what does His voice sound like to you? Is your reading predominantly scholarly, removing most of the tone and inflection from the passages? Does He sound more firm and rigid? If you imagine thirty-year-old Jesus living alongside the disciples, going town to town to teach, heal and be present, do you picture his eyes cut in determination or framed in wrinkles from smile and...

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Posted by Jason Simon

Prayer of Examen

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 “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” Psalm 73:23  I have had an uncharacteristically hard time going to sleep lately. Typically, if my head is within 10 feet of my pillow I am already entering sleep mode. In college I made the choice not to do homework or watch movies in my bed. At the same time my friends were buying lap-desks for the express purpose of doing those things in theirs. I worked on training myself to equate my bed with sleep...

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Posted by Jason Simon

God At Work in Our Students

Last weekend more than 20 middle and high school students gathered to dive deeper into their relationships with Christ. Some came as life-long believers. Others arrived with no relationship with Christ. Our approach to reaching students at University Baptist Church is multifaceted, but we sum it up with the phrase: Grow, Grow, Go.   Grow in the Lord  Grow as a community  Go into the world  This specific event was made possible by the 10 leaders who spent some...

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Posted by Jason Simon