Our Stories Unleashed

Unity in Christ, Not Comparison

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Have you ever heard the phrase "comparison breeds contempt?" Have you experienced the phenomenon yourself? I did this past week… Kevin and I were texting with a dear friend. She asked what we had been up to. Kevin told her how we’d been leading a VBS Backyard Bible Club at our house. She responded that she was also helping with VBS at her church. She went on to say that the church had 600 volunteers and almost 1000 children in attendance. My immediate response was to...

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Posted by April Lintz

Our Voices Rise

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I can’t be sure if this is accurate but if I had to guess, my first exposure to music came by way of my mom or my dad singing over me when I was a baby.  I would imagine this is true for a lot of people.  The first songs we hear are often those sung over us before we can even walk or talk.  From there the world of music only grows.  The exposure continues through things we hear on the radio, the television or in our schools.  At one point or another every human...

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Posted by Jerimiah Smith with 1 Comments

How Do We Define Love?

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“I love you because...”   It is an astoundingly complex undertaking to describe love.   “Love is an emotion.”   “No, it is a feeling.”   “Well, it is more of an action, really.”   “Maybe it is a state of being?”   A branch of theology defines love as, “To will the good of another.” I wrestle openly with that...

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Posted by Jason Simon

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