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Results filtered by “Jerimiah Smith”


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Life is filled with choices. Each day we wake up and make dozens of choices, almost instinctively. We choose what to wear, what to have for breakfast, what to say to those we see in our homes, schools or offices. However, while we experience the benefits of making these choices, there are other factors that unfold in our day that remind us of how little choice we may actually have. There’s a traffic jam on the way to work. We have to attend certain classes or meetings...

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Posted by Jerimiah Smith

Persecution and Privilege

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Privilege – A right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most.   Our lives are filled with privileges. It’s easy to see how many privileges we have through the lens of parenthood. I’m consistently reminding my children to be grateful for the privileges we experience in life. The list is long. Toys, activities, technology, food, education and entertainment are all categories of privilege we experience at almost every...

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Posted by Jerimiah Smith

A Love for All People

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I remember looking out of the side windows of the bus as we traveled down the dirt road and through the local neighborhood.  Children would come running out from their homes and chase the bus shouting and smiling.  Their excitement and intrigue was undeniable.  Their voices were captured in an uncommon language but their smiles communicated a common message.  Love.  And that’s what we were there to reciprocate.  Though we couldn’t speak the same...

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Posted by Jerimiah Smith
